Revering Time

Revering Time

Dear Valued Customers

Although smart watches have a history of some 25 years yet it still reveres time over and above its plethora of features and functionalities.  In fact, few things are more worthy of reverence than the time you have been gifted once you cried to be able to go to your sweet home.  By the way, how you spend your days will determine how you live your life as the old adage goes that there are a million ways to lose a work day but not even a single way to get one back.  Scientists cannot invent new minutes while super rich cannot buy more hours.

Time is the raw material of life while we are given only one life span on earth to do our earthy best.  We all know, no matter what we do, we cannot create any more time but we can make changes in how we spend our time.  Procrastination is the thief of time as rightly pointed out by Edward Young while Benjamin Franklin stated that lost time is never found again.

Hence it is our responsibility to effectively manage the only real resource of our life called Time.  Every morning we are handed over 24 golden hours, a priceless treasure at our disposal to be used as per our discretion.  We are all given the same number of hours per day that were given to peak performers and extraordinary achievers like Michael Angelo, Thomas Edison, Luis Pasteur, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela.

Yet it is a sad fact that many people go through life without ever giving a thought to what they actually do with the time at their disposal and take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource.  You need to master the concept of time and revere our Time.  If you kill time, time will kill you! It is better to adopt the right time management strategies and techniques to improve your productivity, self-development and develop skill and the ability that include setting goals, planning, prioritizing, decision making, controlling, delegating and directing.

Best of luck with your Time.      

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